Blue Care Chaplain Commissioning

On the 13th September Rockhampton’s new Blue Care Chaplain, Moala Hukehuke was commissioned.
Held at North Rockhampton Uniting Church at 10:30am, with UnitingCare Associate Director of Mission (Pastoral Care) Rev. Dr Adam McIntosh officiating. Our Presbytery Minister Rev. Scott Ballment lead us in prayer to welcome Moala into our Presbytery. Pastor Donna Muston represented BlueCare. We thank the Fitzroy congregation for their hospitality and beautiful morning tea which followed.

Articles in this newsletter
- Blue Care Chaplain Commissioning
- Fitzroy Focus
- Presbytery farewells Rev. Glenn Louttit
- July Presbytery
- Vale Queen Elizabeth II
- Presbytery Reflections from our Rural Mission Minister
- Safe Ministry Matters
- Ministers’ Convocation
- Membership at Northside
- Blackwater Open Day
- Intergenerational Advent Resource
- Fiji Day
- Colouring Competition