Safe Ministry Matters
Great news! Our presbytery has received very positive feedback from Synod office for our 2021 Audit.
In order to keep our spaces safe, a group will be formed to keep up-to-date with all SMC issues.
If you haven’t already, please send the name of your Safe Ministry with Children contact person to Sheri Holland cqadmin@centralqldpresbytery.org.au and we’ll get some flow of information happening.
Safe Ministry with Children training can now be accessed via edUCate on the Qld Synod website. Should you have any questions or challenges creating an account, please contact learning@ucaqld.com.au
Safe Ministry with Children – Uniting Church in Australia, Queensland Synod (ucaqld.com.au)

Articles in this newsletter
- Blue Care Chaplain Commissioning
- Fitzroy Focus
- Presbytery farewells Rev. Glenn Louttit
- July Presbytery
- Vale Queen Elizabeth II
- Presbytery Reflections from our Rural Mission Minister
- Safe Ministry Matters
- Ministers’ Convocation
- Membership at Northside
- Blackwater Open Day
- Intergenerational Advent Resource
- Fiji Day
- Colouring Competition