July Presbytery

As usual, we shared the space at the PCYC at Lammermoor. The weather was cold, but the company was warm. We commenced our worship on Friday night with a reflection from Donna Muston;

“Come Holy Spirit” to open doors and dispel fears and bring us closer to Christ.

God is with us. We are not alone.

Special guests included our Moderator, Rev Andrew Gunton, Dr Paul Jones Principal of Trinity College Qld (who also led our Bible Study), Rev Glen Schweitzer (also our Ministry Retreat Leader), Justin Greenway from Synod Property office and Rev Wendy McHugh an inspiring prison ministry chaplain from Townsville.

One of our more special activities is our congregation sharing. We listen to stories of the Holy Spirit moving in unexpected places, of our congregations going out into their communities to be the face of Jesus.