Colouring Competition
Here is a brand new thing for our children. Each presbytery newsletter will have a colouring competition – we’re starting it even though we haven’t worked out all of the finer details.
- Download the image. Hover over the image for the download link – at the top of the image, immediately to the right of the word “Secure”.
- Print it on paper
- Colour it by hand
- Scan the finished page
- Email it to comms@centralqldpresbytery.org.au
In your email, include:
- The name and age of the person whose has done the colouring
- The congregation to which this person belongs
- The artwork itself, as an attachment.
ENTRIES CLOSE 6 NOVEMBER. Winners will be announced at our Presbytery meeting in Emerald.
You will see that there is an example of how Joseph could be coloured, but you don’t need to do it exactly like that. Choose your own colours and be creative.
Christian-Colour-In-Joseph-YoungSpecial thanks to Ian Coate (Free Christian Illustrations) for permission to use his images. His Christian artistic ministry is quite wonderful and very generous.
Articles in this newsletter
- Blue Care Chaplain Commissioning
- Fitzroy Focus
- Presbytery farewells Rev. Glenn Louttit
- July Presbytery
- Vale Queen Elizabeth II
- Presbytery Reflections from our Rural Mission Minister
- Safe Ministry Matters
- Ministers’ Convocation
- Membership at Northside
- Blackwater Open Day
- Intergenerational Advent Resource
- Fiji Day
- Colouring Competition