Easter in Sarina

Sarina UC observed Easter with a 7am Good Friday worship gathering, and 8.30am Easter Sunday celebration. Both had visitors and regular attendees.
Easter doesn’t happen in isolation from the real world. “Business as usual” can often be a highlight when you see others doing God’s work faithfully.
I think of the people in Sarina Church who carry out simple and even mundane tasks all year round – week after week (including special times like the Easter Weekend). These include; driving someone to a medical appointment, mowing a neighbour’s lawn, visiting hospital patients and nursing home guests, calling on aged folk at home, sharing your faith in a new social setting, taking lunch to a friend, visiting fellow church members even during own holidays, sharing food (fish, fruits and vegetables), caring for the church grounds, and phoning brothers and sisters to encourage them in their walk with Jesus. These are some of my highlights as I reflect this Easter.
Submitted by Jeff Grant, Pastor of Sarina Uniting Church (edited).

Articles in this newsletter
- Easter in Emerald UC
- Easter in Sarina
- Easter at Fitzroy UC
- Easter at Northside Mackay and Seaforth
- Easter in the Pioneer Valley
- Easter at Clermont/Capella
- Easter at South Rockhampton
- Lent to Easter in the Whitsundays
- Easter Sunday at Banana
- Easter at Tannum Sands
- Easter at Iona West
- Good Friday at Mt Morgan
- A Personal Easter Highlight
- Easter at Emu Park