From the Comms Team
Greetings in the name of Jesus! Finally our June newsletter is here, and it is only just July. We hope you enjoy reading what this newsletter has to offer on a variety of topics.
Whitsunday Pentecost
It was sort of like wind, but not quite; it was kind of like fire, but that wasn’t it either. It is an event that goes beyond description, perhaps even beyond any known experience – Whitsunday Pentecost
Rockhampton Pentecost
Around 100 people from a broad cross section of churches gathered in St Joseph’s Cathedral to celebrate Pentecost Sunday and the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Leaders from many churches took part.
Care Kitchen
What started as a conversation between Bec Nicols of All Abilities Mackay and Jane Mumford, a TAFE teacher and 1362 Catering Co. owner over coffee at Canelands eight years ago now is Care Kitchen Mackay, a cooking school for adults with disabilities, operating from St Paul’s Uniting Church, Mackay..
A Bushley Epilogue
The Bushley church was briefly reopened on June 6th 2022 to celebrate the life of Don Barnett. Don was one of the last “brick makers”. Over 150 people attended the service, with fifty or so in the church and plus most of 100 chairs outside filled plus a number standing.
Farewell Rev Allan
On Sunday the 12th June Gladstone Uniting Church and Tannum Sands Uniting Church met together in worship for the Conclusion of Placement service of Rev. Allan Smith. Allan and his wife Dottie have served 11½ years in Gladstone.
Vale Rev Euan McDonald
With sadness, we reported the passing of Rev Euan McDonald in an earlier newsletter, promising to tell a little more at a later date. The following notes are gathered from some of the people Euan and Yvonne served at Iona West from 2004 to 2012.
Acts Series
Northside Mackay & Seaforth had a fairly low-key Pentecost Sunday, but it marked the beginning of a substantial series – a discipleship based walk through the book of Acts. It is proving to be a fascinating journey.
Where to get free images?
You get all creative and you want to include images in newsletters, emails, invitations, advertising material – but where can you get free of cost, free to use, even free to modify good quality images?
Permission for using photos or video of people in public
It would be great for all congregations to celebrate the involvement of children in their publications, notices, and even in this newsletter. It is a requirement that consent be gained before photographs or images of children, young people and families or personal information can be published online or in other public forums.