Let the little children come for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them
North Rockhampton Uniting Church came alive to the sounds of children’s laughter and singing
The North Rockhampton Church came alive to the sounds of children’s shrill laughter and delightful singing and dancing during the first annual International Children’s Day service on Sunday 23 October 2022. Spearheaded by a small, dedicated task group, the service incorporated a number of church children’s outreach. Young people introduced the service and played a major role in all aspects of the activities. A special youth band was formed for the day which gave the service a positive and uplifting feel. About 30 young families attended, providing parishioners a sense of joy and hope.
Jan McLean led a vibrant group of ‘mainly music’ under five children in a series of faith-based songs and dances. The children’s exuberance was contagious, and the congregation joined in with the songs and actions. This helped to frame the theme of the service, celebrating the Kingdom of Children.
Judy Scheuber wrote and presented a children’s address about David and Goliath which engaged the congregation in the text and plot of the Old Testament story. Then against a background of bubbles, the children enthusiastically walked to the activity centre where they partook in a range of hands-on activities.
Madonna, the director of Illoura Child Care Centre, gave a prayer of thanksgiving, showcasing the students’ artwork and thoughts. This gave the congregation a chance to reflect on their own gifts and the blessings in their lives. After the service, the families congregated in the hall for an opportunity for deeper fellowship, meeting with members of the church community. Many families were able to share their stories and develop links with the older congregation members. The day was a wonderful celebration of ‘young people’ and God’s promise to His church that He would save in Christ a people unto Himself in the continued generations of believers.
Rev. Paula Hukehuke, Minister of Fitzroy Parish

photo credit – image supplied

Articles in this newsletter
- Intergenerational Kids’ Church
- Let the little children come for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them
- Christingle Service
- Rev. Scott’s Christmas Message
- Blue Care 70th Anniversary
- Spotlight on Evangelism
- Thank You Scott
- “Rising Hope” by Nigel Rogers
- Conclusion of Placement for Donna
- Connect 100
- Shared Services – Kevin Griffiths
- Voluntary Assisted Dying
- Congregation Wrap
- Presbytery Finance
- Colouring Competition Nov 2022
- Iona West Community Carols
- Christmas in the West is always busy